Current Issue

Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 12/31/23

Year: 2023

The aim of the journal is to contribute to the discipline of history by publishing original works written in every field of history with scientific qualifications at national and international level.

History and Historian publishes original articles on Turkish and world history, qualified studies prepared by making use of many different disciplines that help history, scholarly papers and review articles, papers that have been previously presented in a scientific congress but not published (provided that the situation is stated), biographical studies of important people, reviews of books, archival documents and scientific activities such as symposiums and congresses.

Instructions for Authors:
1. The language of the journal is Turkish and English. The most recent edition of the spelling guide of Turkish Language Institution is taken into account for the spelling, punctuation and abbreviations of Turkish articles. The texts submitted should be clear and understandable, and be in line with scientific criteria in terms of language and expression. The Spelling Guide and Turkish Dictionary are available at
2. Articles should be written in Microsoft Program. A4 should be selected as the paper type. The type character should be “Times New Roman” and the font size should beset as 11 points. Line spacing should be1.15 and set as justified. There should be 6 nk (inches)space between the paragraphs (before-after) and footnotes should be written in 9 type size and with single line spacing.
3. Page layout (margins) should beset as top: 4 cm., bottom: 4 cm., right: 4 cm., left: 4 cm. The texts submitted to be published should be no longer than 25 pages including also the abstract and references.
4. The author must put his/her name and surname on the first page of the article with asterisk (*) and give his/her academic title, university, faculty, department, city/country, e-mail and ORCID information in 9 points, respectively.
5. The article must begin with the introduction, which explains the research question, hypothesis, purpose and method of the paper. Main titles and subtitles can be used in the text;
Main titles should be12 points, bold, flush left and only the first letter of each word is capitalized,
The second titles should be11 points, bold, flush left, and only the first letter of each word is capitalized,
The third titles should be11 points, bold, flush left, and only the first letter of each word is capitalized,
The fourth titles should be11 points, bold, flush left, and only the first letter of each word is capitalized.
6. Regardless of the text, the articles must contain abstracts in Turkish and English between 150-250 words and keywords in the range of 5-8 words. Abstracts and keywords should be placed right after the title.
7. In the text, direct quotations not exceeding five lines should be used in italics and “double quotes”. When a long citation (over three lines) is made from a source, it should be indented from the right and left (1 cm) from the paragraph indent and in 10 points. Statements that need to be emphasized are also italicized.
8. Abbreviations should be written clearly and abbreviated form in parentheses when shown for the first time, and only abbreviated form should be given in later screenings.
9. Numbers in the text should be spelled out if they are single digits, and larger numbers should be written as numerals.
10. At the end of the article, the results of the research should be evaluated in the “Conclusion” section.
11. The type character of footnotes should be Times New Roman, the font size should beset as 9 points and single-spaced. Its alignment should be justified and the paragraph indent should be 0.5 cm. References in the text should be numbered starting from 1 as footnotes at the bottom of the page. Other than that, it should not be cited in the text. When citing references in footnotes, the names of the books and journals should be italicized, and the names of the articles should be written in quotation marks. In footnotes, the full reference should be given in the first citation, then it should be written with abbreviations determined by the author. If more than one book or article by an author is used, after the first use of the second work, the surname of the author, followed by the full or abbreviated name of the book or article should be written. Where multi-author references are first mentioned, all authors should be written, and then abbreviated.
Erel Tellal, Uluslararası ve Bölgesel Gelişmeler Çerçevesinde SSCB-Türkiye İlişkileri (1953-1964), Mülkiyeliler Birliği Vakfı Publishing, Ankara 2000, p. 34.
• In subsequent references; Tellal, ibid, p. 123.
• If the author has more than one work; Tellal, SSCB-Türkiye İlişkileri, p. 123.
Zeki Arıkan, “Mahmut Esat Bozkurt”, The Journal of Modern Turkish History Studies, V. III/N. 9 (or III/9), İzmir 1998, p. 220.
• In subsequent references; Arıkan, ibid., s. 101.
• If the author has more than one article; Arıkan, “Mahmut Esat Bozkurt”, p. 221.
In encyclopedia articles and book chapters, the above-mentioned citation style examples are valid.

In the use of archive documents, the full name of the relevant archive (local or foreign) and the collection name/code/file number/box number of the document used should be given in the first reference (e.g. Prime Ministry Ottoman Archives, Ministry of Interior, Kalem-i Mahsus Müdüriyeti). In this first use, if there is a standard abbreviation for the archive and document (considering archive guides), it should be used in parentheses, and this abbreviation should be taken as the basis for subsequent references (e.g. BOA., DH., KMS).

• Paper with Author Specified in Journals:
Author’s First and Last Name, “Title of Article,” Title of Journal, Volume number, issue number, Date of Publication, pages.
• Newspaper reports with unknown author or whole newspaper:
Title of Newspaper, Date of Publication, pages.
12. The sources used should be listed in alphabetical order (A-Z) and included in the bibliography section. The font size of the bibliography should be set as 10 points and flush left. The order of the works to be added to the bibliography should be as follows:

Archival Sources
Official Sources
Periodicals (Newspapers and Journals)
Online Resources
Oral History Interviews

Tellal, Erel, Uluslararası ve Bölgesel Gelişmeler Çerçevesinde SSCB-Türkiye İlişkileri (1953-1964), Mülkiyeliler Birliği Vakfı Yayınları, Ankara 2000.
Arıkan, Zeki, “Mahmut Esat Bozkurt”, Çağdaş Türkiye Tarihi Araştırmaları Dergisi, V. III/N. 9 (or III/9), İzmir 1998, pp. 215-224.
The newspapers and journals used should be listed in alphabetical order under the title of "Periodicals". Online resources should be used by specifying the accessed time, day, month, year. For interviews, the name of the person and the date of the interview should be specified.

History and Historian publishes original articles on Turkish and world history, qualified studies prepared by making use of many different disciplines that help history, scholarly papers and review articles, papers that have been previously presented in a scientific congress but not published (provided that the situation is stated), biographical studies of important people, reviews of books, archival documents and scientific activities such as symposiums and congresses.
• Submitted articles must not have been published elsewhere, even in a different language.
• Submitted articles are evaluated by double-blind peer-review process after being reviewed by the editorial board.
• For the articles sent for evaluation, the referees are given a review period of 1 month, and this period is extended by 15 days if necessary.
• If a negative opinion is received from one of the referees, the article is sent to a third referee and the opinion of the third referee becomes decisive.
• The author should take into account the opinions and suggestions of the referees.
• This is followed by the editorial board. The editor can make changes on the spelling and wording of the articles when necessary. All responsibility for the content of the articles belongs to the author.
• Articles submitted to the journal must comply with the national and international ethical publication principles publication ethics.
• The responsibility of the articles sent to the journal in terms of publication ethics belongs to the authors.
• Scientific and legal responsibility for the views and opinions expressed in the articles belong to the author/authors and do not reflect the views of the journal and the institution.
• Authors cannot submit their works in more than one journal at the same time.
• All materials such as pictures, drawings, maps or documents used in the articles should be numbered and their explanations should be written below.
• In addition, if the ideas and artistic works of others are used in the articles, their compliance with the copyright regulations should be stated.
• Responsibility for the content and attachments of the articles (pictures, drawings, maps, documents, etc.) belongs to the author.The copyright of the published articles belongs to the journal. Copyright includes publication in the virtual platforms.
• Articles cannot be published elsewhere in print or electronically without the permission of the journal.

No fee is charged for the articles to be sent to the journal.
